Full of the Spirit

Recently I went to PVUMC’s Thursday night service and it was extra special.  God always shows up but this night He showed up and showed off!  I had to come home and start writing!  When I got there I noticed Cameron and Sherome were on the stage and then came Sherry Melvin.  When the service started Pastor Tim walked up to the piano and I started laughing because I love to watch him on the piano!  You could feel the energy and I knew it was going to be good!  The third worship song we sang was David Crowder’s, “All My Hope Is In Jesus” and it was amazing!  “There's a kind of thing that just breaks a man.  Breaks him down to his knees.  God, I've been broken more than a time or two (yes, Lord). Then He picked me up and showed me what it means to be a man. Come on and sing, All my hope is in Jesus. Thank God that yesterday's gone. Yes, all my sins are forgiven. I've been washed by the blood...”

The music was so powerful and as Cameron belted out, “God, I've been broken more than a time or two.    Then He picked me up and showed me what it means to be a man.”  I had chills!  Pastor Tim jumped up from the piano, took a few steps, clapping his hands and moving his arms like he was all pumped up!  Pastor Tim was filled with the Spirit!

There have been many times at PVUMC that I have felt the Spirit to the point that I felt like I could not be still, there is too much excitement to contain it!  It is a radiant joy that flows between the Trinity, inside us!  How could it feel ordinary?  The apostle Paul commands us in Ephesians 5:18 that we be filled with the Spirit.  “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”  Paul says, “don’t be intoxicated with alcohol, but be intoxicated with God!” Are we intoxicated with God?  Does our heart radiate joy?  Does our heart overflow with love for God?

Being filled with the Spirit is like pouring water in a glass until it runs over, no more space for anything, it is full.  Like the song says, we are broken but God picks us up.  He helps us remove things and reminds us our hope is in Jesus.  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Jill Jarrell-Newsome