Another Reason to Go to a Small Group

Jacky had moved here from New Jersey a year and a half ago.  She visited PVUMC and some other churches.  She and her husband felt so isolated because everyone was wearing masks and sitting six feet apart.  She said there were no warm fuzzies.  In February she was invited to a small group.  Because the house had steps she knew her husband, Bruce, would not be able to make it.  After much prayer and a nudge from Bruce, she called the host and committed to going.  She said there were 14 of the most welcoming people and they were all older like her.  When the small group ended, she was so sad, afterall, it was her only connection to church.  This forced her to go back to church and she already knew 14 people!  And they all welcomed her!  

“If I had not gone to a small group, I would not have gone back to church.  We prayed about a church for a year and a half, then the invitation to a small group came but if I had not opened my heart I would not have gone.  When Bruce and I pulled into the parking lot there were so many buildings that we did not know where to go.  

Two weeks ago, as of this writing, Bruce went to be with his Lord and Savior for eternity.  Jacky says it was a gift from God that Bruce died with her in a church.  He got to come to PVUMC one Sunday, about three weeks before he died.  Afterwards, at breakfast, he rehashed the whole service.  Because of Jacky being willing to walk into that small group, she has had “staunch supporters'' throughout Bruce’s hospitalization and subsequent death.  “If I could, I would encourage others to join a small group.  We walk through both good days and tough days together.  Such a blessing - one I wasn’t expecting.  PVUMC is wonderful but it is the individuals who walk with you through your troubles that really matter.”  The Church is the people!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome