What a Blessing

A few years ago I had the privilege of getting to know Greg Willett, who would become a friend.  I had seen Greg at camp and Vacation Bible School, both, for the whole week.  He always had fun and the kids loved him!  I heard of his camp shenanigans, dancing to YMCA and doing his own version of the floss.  Greg and I were at lunch so I could do a blog on him.  As soon as the server brought us bread and oil, he immediately made a smiley face with the vinegar.  He laughed and said, “and that’s why I like working with kids.”  That was Greg!  

I asked him why he does all that he does with children?  At that time he said he was “73 years young and did not want to stay inside, sitting in his easy chair gaining weight.”  He wanted to be outside, stay fit and healthy and the kids helped him do that.  He said he realized it is helping Jesus and that you do not have to be a Bible scholar to help.  He shared that he could not believe more people do not volunteer with the little children.  He said, “and where are the men?”  

Greg helped with VBS, camp and children’s church.  He worked with the grounds committee and other things but his heart was with the children.  His face lit up as he told me about the three little girls who moved in next door.  Often, the three and five year old girls came to ask if “Mr. Greg could come out to play”.  After he told me, he smiled and said, “what a blessing!”  

I am sure Greg heard His Father say, “well done, good and faithful servant!” when he went to be with Him on January 23, 2022.  He is truly missed and I think of all the seeds that were planted by him into those little hearts and minds, while they were most open to the Gospel.  Being a servant is carrying out the will of our Master.  We are told in Matthew 24: 46, “It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.”  When we are God’s faithful servant we get to share in His success.  I can’t help but think of Greg as so many of us are at camp this week and we are preparing for Bible school.  I know he would be one of the first signed up to help.  In his words, “what a blessing!”

Jill Jarrell-Newsome