Our Daily Bread

Last year when the One Year Bibles were given out, Pastor Tim said, “We are anticipating wondrous outcomes from those who are reading the One Year Bible; that they will be challenged, changed, and never get over it.” Deuteronomy 8: 3, “...man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

I’m ashamed to have to write that I made it to August and quit.  I learned so much and want to start where I left off. Here is what I learned:  I learned if I had to sacrifice an animal every time I messed up, some animals would be extinct!  I am confident that God gave us family units so we can see how patient He is with us, His children!  He loves us so much and isn’t afraid to show tough love.  We really do not go through anything that Jesus has not experienced. He is a good, good Father!  His mercy is new every day!  Psalm 19: 10, “They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.”  

My husband, Mom, sister-in-law, and friend all finished and shared their thoughts:  

“The biggest thing I got from reading the One Year Bible was learning just how much God is disappointed in us when we do not obey and put Him first in our lives.  Also the Bible is a great blueprint on how we should run a business and how we should treat people.”

“Reading the One Year Bible was definitely a lot of effort. It was a good experience though.  I enjoyed most of it, some was a bit long to get through.  But overall a good lesson in discipline and makes you grateful for all He does for us.”

“I always tried to read scripture daily but ‘things get in the way’ unfortunately or I should say, I let them.  The One Year Bible set a goal for me.  If I didn’t do it in the morning, I would do it before I went to bed.  The online version also has a choice to have it read to you.  I would sometimes use that, but I absorb it better reading it myself.  Each day I started with Psalm 25: 4-5, ‘Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.  Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are god my Savior; and my hope is in you all day long.’  This helped me to thank God for His Word and focus.  It refreshed my mind of things I had read before but forgot.  I highlighted areas that drew my attention.  It was difficult reading some books like Leviticus but I kept telling myself God doesn’t make mistakes.  He put this in the Bible for a reason. I am starting all over again because repetition is good for me.  Thank you, pastors, for challenging us.  It’s been a blessing.”

Jill Jarrell-Newsome