Christ the Savior is Born

Since Mike and I were going to be gone on New Year’s weekend we decided to attend the Thursday night service.  I always love to go and see the people I don’t see on Sunday morning.  Because several people were out of town or sick, we did not have our usual band but the Spirit was there and there was something extra special to me!  Mike and I had had a difficult day and really didn’t feel like going to church or anywhere.  But I do know that when you don’t feel like going, that is really when you need to!  We started off singing Hank Williams Junior’s song, “I See The Light”.  So many people were there and they weren’t just singing, they were worshiping and celebrating so how could I not celebrate?!  We sang “Silent Night” before Pastor Barry led our prayer time.  The words he shared prior to his prayer were what Mike and I needed to hear.  I felt like between the song and his prayer I had had church!  

We had just sung the lyrics, “Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born.”  Pastor Barry reminded us that God loved us so much that He left all that He had authority over to come be with us!  He loved us so much that He left His Spirit with us so that we have Him with us all the time!  Emmanuel, God with us!  And because He gave His only begotten son to die for us we will live with Him in Heaven for all eternity.  Oh how grateful we should be!  

Pastor Tim sang “Beulah Land” and the lyrics really spoke to me.  “I'm kind of homesick for a country To which I've never been before.  No sad goodbyes will there be spoken For time won't matter anymore.  Beulah Land I'm longing for you.  And some day on thee I'll stand.  There my home shall be eternal.  Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land.”  Because Jesus came to earth to live among us, He understands everything we will ever go through.  And when our time comes to leave this world I look forward to sweet Beulah Land.  

I did not grow up singing “Beulah Land” and I wanted to see where “Beulah” came from. It is a Hebrew word for “married”. Isaiah 62: 4, “No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married.” According to “The Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan says, “Beulah Land is a place of peace near the end of a Christian life on the border of the Celestial City….It depicts Beulah Land as the joyful, fulfilled Christian life that gives a taste of what is to come.” We won’t be forsaken, we will be restored to a close, loving relationship with Him. And He will provide all that we need. This is a wonderful promise! We are still celebrating Christmas! “Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born!”

Jill Jarrell-Newsome