Believers to Belongers

I can’t remember what I did yesterday but I can remember the words to “The BIBLE”, “This Little Light Of Mine”, “Rise And Shine” and of course, “Jesus Loves Me.”  I am so thankful for being raised in the church and in Sunday school.  I remember when I was starting a Sunday school class and began inviting people, some were uncomfortable with the thought of it!  They thought it was for little kids or you had to be a Bible scholar.  You do not have to be a Bible scholar - that is why we are there - we have so much to learn!  Soon, this group became a family and a support group for each other.  Some laughed, saying they could not believe how much they loved Sunday school!  Sunday school is a group of people making the commitment to study God’s Word primarily before or after worship and provides an intentional Bible study.  Many came to try it or to learn but they stayed because of the relationships, they feel they belong!  

In the 1780’s Sunday school began in Britain as an outreach for poor children who worked in factories 12 plus hours a day, six days a week.  Since they were unable to attend school, Christians provided these kids an opportunity to learn to read on Sundays.  What started as one school grew to over 2 million children plus their families in 60 years!  People are usually placed in a group of people the same age or similar lifestyles.  Preschool and school age children go with their ages.  They learn about God, they learn to pray and to listen.  They find mentors and make friends and then they want to come back and they keep learning about Jesus!  They go through youth with these friends and as adults they know the importance of Sunday school!  

I wrote about small groups recently and had the blessing to discuss Sunday school with Todd Sammons, the Sunday school teacher for Good News class.  Having been in that class, I can tell you Todd is passionate about Sunday school and is a dedicated teacher, leading a discussion class.  Todd said an important part about Sunday school is that it connects hearts to Christ and one another.  During tough times, your Sunday school class is your family.  Sunday school and small groups are where people connect.  Todd did mention that while small groups are often limited to weeks, Sunday school is an ongoing commitment.  They are able to learn from one another.  As he said, “I have my own biases, which some are not correct, but I hear other opinions.”  It is school and they are learning.  They serve together doing meals for local homes supporting families in need.  They help serve dinner at Celebrate Recovery.  Then there is the Christmas party!  During the pandemic they never cancelled, in fact, they got some new members.  They did a zoom class every week and that continues.  Todd says the best part of Sunday school is the real life example of what a Christian is to do.  Some are struggling with the same things.  Some have already experienced it.  Some people inspire you to be more in tune with God’s Word or serve more.  You see how each other has grown.  You witness Christ working in each other’s lives.  

Linda Page says Sunday School has been an integral part of her life since she started PVUMC as a 13 year old.  “Good Christian friends and a wonderful teacher kept me going back. Most of those years I have spent in the Koinonia Sunday School class with a fabulous teacher, Mike, who just happens to be my husband.  His knowledge of the archaeology and history of Biblical times, along with his God-inspired teaching style, keeps everyone in the class engaged and makes the Bible more real.  And those friends I mentioned earlier... they're still there.  There are no better friends than our church friends!  As inspiring and dedicated as our ministers are, I couldn't go to church without Sunday School.”  Rick Warren said, “once people are in a small group I stop worrying about them because I know their needs are going to be taken care of.”  Your Sunday school class does life with you!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome