Camp Can Change a Life

When I think back on church camp I have fond memories. 

Church camp can create a community, separate from school and family, that allows friendships to be cultivated. 

Through a Bible centered environment, youth can grow spiritually and focus on their relationship with God.  

I felt so sorry for our PVUMC youth and children when I learned they would not be able to go to Camp Singletary, again, this year. 

It is a highlight each year for many youth and adults.  They do not mind the sweltering heat and the gross lake water.  They love camp! 

“You can take the kid out of the camp but you cannot take the camp out of the kid.” 

Many memories are made at camp!  

Just like the seniors could not have a prom but they had a different kind of prom.  We were not going to be able to have Wednesday night suppers, but we hid drive through suppers. 

So, again this year we were not going to be able to have camp but Pastor Tim said PVUMC was going to have camp!  Even if we had to have it at PVUMC! 

And PVUMC had camp - complete with a water slide! 

  • Camp had MAC’s (Met at camp) where a youth and a child are paired up to be buddies for the week. 

  • They still had a service for the seniors and they still had the talent show! 

  • And they still had Mrs. Shirley’s chicken casserole! 

During camp I was able to talk with several people - counselors and kids.  Here are some of the ways God was working on our church campus.

“Before camp started, I was talking to a family member about going to camp and she said she wanted to come help me.  To most people that would not be unusual but for my family it is a God thing!  This child, who wanted to come help me, does not believe in God.  When we were on our way to camp I asked her why she did not believe in God and she said she just didn’t.” 

Camp had barely started and God was already working. 

Later I heard from this person telling me what happened later. 

“While teaching, one of the kids asked a question about why God did good things and my relative piped up and said, ‘that’s just what He does.’  So even after I talked with you God allowed me to witness.  He is still working in her life.”

I asked one table of youth why they came to camp and they laughed and told me their parents made them.  We chatted for a while and I told them I was going to get back with them at the end of the week and ask again.  They agreed and here are some of their answers:

“I am very thankful that I went to camp this year.  I am glad we could at least get to have some sort of camp.  I loved being a MAC because you get to have a special bond with them.  I think that there was not a specific part that was my favorite.  I enjoyed almost everything we did.  I am definitely looking forward to going to camp next year and staying at Singletary.”

Another commented:

“I had so much fun at camp hanging out with my friends.  I loved my MAC this year.  It makes lunch and vespers so much more fun, dancing and singing with them is just so fun.  Of course, this year wasn’t the same but it was still so good to be around friends and do the activities that we usually do at camp.”

One said:

“I am glad I went to camp.  Even though it wasn't the same as Singletary.  The people running it really put in a lot of effort to give us a fun time here at Pine Valley.  I love being a MAC because the little kids are so cute.  You get to help them and mentor them, and feel like you are a kid again yourself when you do songs and activities with them.  I really liked the water slides. It was fun and a refreshing way to cool off.  The food was really good too.”

And another one included:

“This year was very different compared to all the other years but I ended up having a lot of fun!  I’m very glad I ended up going.  I love the people three, the counselors are great.  It just feels like I’m at home there.  I love having little MACs, they are so much fun.  They all look up to their big MACs and end up with a special bond with them later on.  I don’t really think I had a favorite part since it was at church but all of it was super fun just being with your friends.  I would love to be able to go back to Singletary next year!”

When I asked another group of younger kids what their favorite part of camp was they all said the same thing:  The water slide and the tacos! 

Thanks to the Cooking For Jesus team for the delicious meals, especially Mrs. Shirley’s chicken casserole and the tacos!  

Camp can play a significant role in a child’s spiritual life. 

For a few days they are not distracted by home life, school pressures, or social media. 

While we cannot make the choice for our child to follow Christ, we can give them opportunities along the way. 

Thank you, PVUMC, for giving our youth this opportunity.  

Jill Jarrell-Newsome