Watching Over Our Flock

I love watching how God works things out in our lives.  I met Joan Robbins to learn about our new Shepherding Ministry at Pine Valley United Methodist Church and realized we both have a passion working with senior adults!  For forty years, Joan worked with babies. As she said, “Not just babies but critically ill babies.  Some stayed in our NICU until their first birthday.”  This was her passion, and then she had an accident that forced her to retire.  You do not have to be with Joan long to know that she prayed and listened for God to guide her next steps.  Not only did He send her, but He sent her with a new passion!  This passion found her as the coordinator of the Flower Ministry at PVUMC, where I met Joan!  During the pandemic, this ministry has been greatly missed by both sides!  The flower ministry has started back up, and there is so much excitement among the volunteers!  When I started work at PVUMC, my office was around the corner from the Fellowship Hall.  As I came around that corner, I would see a field of flowers in glass vases with ribbons and cards.  A pastor prays over the flowers, for those who will deliver them, and those who will receive them.  Church members, with a servant heart, take those flowers to their assigned people who can no longer make it to church.  What a wonderful and encouraging ministry! 

An after-effect of the pandemic was people missing relationships and contact with their church.   Many of our older adults are isolated at home.  PVUMC has been trying to find ways to let them be involved, even if from their home.  1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”  Pastor Barry came up with a Shepherd Ministry and asked Joan to be the coordinator.  After much prayer, she agreed.  As coordinator, Joan works directly with Pastor Barry, Pastor of Congregational Care.  Joan said, “All of our ministries are shepherding - looking after the sheep.  This one is to stay in contact with our older adults.”  Now, if you get a call and you do not feel you are an older adult, just tell them that, in a very nice way, of course!  The mission statement is “to bring hope and comfort through actions to those in need and extend God's grace in broken spaces by providing a relationship with them using consistent, regular personal contact and follow-up by church laypersons as caregivers.”  1 Thessalonians 2:8, “..So we cared for you because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."  

A shepherd is a person who tends sheep.  Jesus showed us how to be a good shepherd for His sheep.  He showed us we must  sacrifice time, energy and rights in order to care for His sheep.  Shepherds mark their sheep so they can count them, making sure none are missing.  A spiritual shepherd will want to keep track of what is happening in the lives of people.  Shepherds also help sheep walk through valleys which can be difficult.  Similarly, a spiritual shepherd helps sheep get through tough times.  Psalm 23:4, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  Just as the Good Shepherd showed us, he doesn’t always take us over the rough spots but helps get us through them.   

As the coordinator, Joan has six leaders under her.  Those leaders have seven to eight shepherds under them.  Those shepherds, each, have seven to eight sheep.  Add that pyramid up, and they are able to stay in contact with about 400 seniors at PVUMC!  The duties of the shepherds are to become acquainted with each member of their group. They stay in contact with their “sheep” regularly by phone or at church.  They, hopefully, build a friendship while listening for prayer requests and needs.  These needs can be addressed through the appropriate group or pastor, all while maintaining trust and confidentiality. The shepherd will pray regularly for their members.  These individuals have been approved by “safe sanctuary.” 

Joan said as a tree branches out and branches out, that is the hope of this ministry.  It’s all about helping others, letting them know that we care about them, will pray for them, and be a friend, if they want.  They hope to build a relationship - whatever the person wants.  Her prayer “is that the Lord will use us, just use us, to reach people in need.  We all have things we need.  And prayer changes things!  This is just the start - maybe it can branch out and help others!”   Thank you, PVUMC, for watching over our flock!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome