Worthy of All Praise

18 years ago Dad, my daughter, Sarah, and I went on our first mission trip, with our church, to Antigua.  The first year we helped build a foundation for this church.  It was hard labor in hot weather but we had a blessed time.  As a thank you from the church they had us come to their  service one evening.  They all spoke Spanish.  When we walked in, they stood up clapping.  When the worshiping started, by song, it was like we all spoke the same language.  I had no idea what they were saying but I knew it was worship.  The tears still come when I think of that.  At the end, we all sang "Hallelujah"over and over and it was so beautiful!  The word, Lord, means Yahweh.  The Hebrew word, "Hallelu" means praise.  When we put "Hallelu" and "Yah" together we get Hallelujah which means "Praise the Lord."  Hallelujah is found 24 times in the Old Testament, only in the book of Psalms.  It appears in 15 different Psalms, and usually at the opening and/or closing of the Psalm. These passages are called the "Hallelujah Psalms."  Psalm 150: 6, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord." 

Based on that visit we saw a need for a playground - there was not one in the whole country - so we returned home and raised money to purchase a playground and have it shipped there.  We went and had Bible school for the orphanage and any kids who wanted to come as another team built “Sonshine Park”.  The last day we had a cookout and opened the playground for all the children.  These were all high and Holy moments for my family and I.  I learned that true worship does not have to be in the same language and when God shows you a need, you take care of it.  And sometimes we do not have to leave home!  

I was reminded of this trip when I heard that PVUMC was going to be hosting a Hispanic church.  There is a Hispanic church of 50-60 who attend Assembly of God in Wilmington.  They have been renting a church that is now closing and selling.  They have not met since COVID and have no where to meet.  They had a need.  Someone told them to talk to PVUMC. Their assistant Pastor Miguel Barnal told Mark, through tears, that the Holy Spirit signs on our campus was a sign for them.  After talking with Mark, they watched us online and said they get it the way we connect hearts.  Pastor Miguel wrote to Mark, “Hello brother Mark. We spoke to our congregation people yesterday, and we all agreed to start moving our stuff out of there as soon as possible...Also know that everybody at our congregation is very surprised and happy about you guys' great disposition and open hearts to help us. Blessings.”  Hebrews 13: 16, But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.“  Isn’t that what PVUMC is supposed to be all about?  Connecting hearts to Christ and one another.  

PVUMC had been wanting to reach out to the Hispanic community and did not know how.  The Assembly of God knew how and we had the resources so it made sense to partner together.  We are teaching them how to livestream so they can reach the Hispanic community, connecting hearts to Christ and one another.  Mark 16: 15, “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’”  They are looking to get involved in the life of our church and help maintain the facilities as their contribution to PVUMC.  As Mark said, “we share the same vision and mission.  

God has brought two groups together who speak different languages but have the same mission and vision.  They wanted to have church and preach the gospel while we were wanting to reach others, who we could not reach.  God brought us together and He is worthy to be praised!  Psalm 146, "Praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord, my soul.  2 I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.”  Be looking for the following words on our sign, “Servicio En Español”.  They will have service on Sunday at 1:30, when we are out and they will be out before our youth come.  One room in the Mercy house will be used to store their supplies and equipment.  Band rehearsals will be Monday and Friday nights when we are not using.  They also have Bible study on Tuesday night.  

I am reminded again that worship does not have to be in the same language and when God shows you a need, you take care of it.  God brought us together, to connect hearts to Christ and one another.  Raise a hallelujah!  God is worthy of all praise!  

Jill Jarrell-Newsome