Passing Down for Generations

As I find myself preparing my heart for revival I am reminded of my grandmother who handed her faith down for generations.  Esther 9: 28, “...that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city…”  I am so thankful for this Good News being passed down.  Not only in my family but in our church as we celebrate our upcoming 60th Anniversary here at PVUMC.  Sixty years of sharing our vision of connecting hearts to Christ and one another now and in the future.  It is an honor to be joining in PVUMC’s 24 hour prayer vigil beginning Friday, for our celebration and revival!  I am thanking God for showing off during this exciting time!  Ephesians 3: 20, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us…”  I pray Heaven will really be rejoicing with all of the commitments and recommitments!  It has been a tough time on earth and we all need renewal.  Come and be filled with the hope and Joy of Jesus!  Come be revived! 

As a teen, I remember sharing many things with my Mamal, who listened and never judged.  She was one of my best friends and my world was rocked at 19 when she died of pancreatic cancer.  My Granny and I became very close when I moved within an hour of her, when I went to college.  When my first child was born I spent two days a week with her.  Granny always praised me, complimented me and cheered me on.  I always felt prettier, smarter and more capable in her presence.  Proverbs 10: 11, “The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.”  Granny was a huge part of my girl’s lives.  They also had Mike’s grandmother, until five years ago, who was a big part of their life!.  I loved her like my own and learned so much from her about cooking.  We always laughed when we were together!  I am so grateful for the grandparents in my life!

This Sunday is Grandparent’s day.  In 1978, President Jimmy Carter proclaimed the first Sunday of September to be observed as Grandparents day.  He wrote, “I urge each citizen to pause and reflect on the influence his grandparents have had in shaping his own destiny and on the legacy bestowed upon our contemporary society by his grandparent’s generation.”  I thank God for the grandparents in my life who left behind a legacy that I can be eternally grateful for!  If you are blessed to have a grandparent still living - or a “like” grandparent still living - be sure to tell them you appreciate them. Learn where you came from.  We are products of thousands of years of history and every time a generation passes, bits of our past are lost forever.  Take advantage of the wisdom they have to offer.  Share your heart and trust their advice.  Listen to their stories filled with a wealth of experiences.  Appreciate their humor.  Be thankful for their affection.  Soak up their wisdom.  Tell them what they mean to you and your family and how they have influenced your life.  Pray for them.  

If you are a grandparent know how important your relationship is with your grandchildren or adopted grandchildren.  Proverbs 17: 6, “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.”  Grandchildren are the crowned of the aged.  That means that I was like a beautiful crown that she “wore”.  While her crown was not filled with diamonds it was worth far more than any other crown.  Being a godly grandparent is a tremendous job that only you can do.  Pray for them, affirm their worth in God, listen to them, share wisdom, encourage them in their faith, love them unconditionally!  Be fun and affectionate.  Laugh with them.  Bring them to church, the revival or to the children’s revival.  Change their lives forever!  The elderly man finds a “crown” of reward and honor in being surrounded by grandchildren.  Psalm 128: 5-6, “May you live to see your children’s children— peace be on Israel.”  His life has mattered and continues on through generations.  He raised his godly sons and daughters and raised them to raise the same kind of children!  Grandparents are so important!  Happy grandparents day!  We love you and appreciate you!  For those who have passed on we hold them in our hearts and thank God for the precious memories!  We thank God for the legacy that they leave behind.  Grandparents always make us feel special and make each grandchild feel like they are their favorite.  But I really was! 

Jill Jarrell-Newsome