The Take Away

When I came to PVUMC  there was a man in an orange vest directing traffic, always smiling, saying, “welcome to worship!”  I am sure you know, that is Mark Edquid, Executive Director of Operations, here at PVUMC. 

Mark’s last day at PVUMC will be August 17, after 14 years of ministry.  While we are sad, we are happy for Mike. 

What is our take away from Mark?  Through the continued comments about Mark leaving, God has shown me just how important being kind and welcoming to others is, whether visitors, members or staff. Showing the face of Jesus as he connects hearts to Christ and one another is what people saw in Mark.  

Do we think of being welcoming as greeting someone with a smile, a handshake and a visitors bag? 

Romans 15: 7, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”  Paul wrote this to the Roman church which was experiencing tension between Jewish and Gentile Christians. 

Paul reminded them that, “Christ accepted you.” Jesus died on the cross for us to welcome us into God’s family.  When we welcome one another it means we live together as a family.  Like a healthy family, we love one another through disagreements, we’re willing to reconcile, worship and work together.  We don’t avoid each other.  We accept one another because we are family!  According to the many comments I am hearing, Mark excels in hospitality and has a welcoming spirit.  

Here are comments about Mark’s hospitality and welcoming spirit.

  • “Mark is a kind hearted person.  He is PVUMC’s number one cheerleader.

  • “Mark is the consistent, friendly and upbeat face of PVUMC!”

  • “Number one a friend, inside and outside of the church.  I knew I could get a smile and be welcomed!  He recognized my car and was always glad to see me.  He made me feel special!”

  • “Mark is like a welcome sign whenever you see him.  Always a huge smile and calls you by name.  Nothing is more welcoming than that.”

  • “Above all else Mark has brought people to Christ!”

  • “Mark has been the stabilizing force to assure that PVUMC is always working and striving to achieve its mission to connect hearts to Christ.  He has been a strong support to both pastors and staff bringing about a real team approach.  His willingness to look at all sides has promoted a growth in the church vision and the positive ways to get Christ’s message out to our community.  He has remained humble and open to all of the hearts in our church.  His gifts in staff development are obvious, making him a counselor in all of his dealings with staff and pastors.  He will be greatly missed but his legacy to this church cannot be quantified.”

  • “Mark has deep faith.  We’ve had a lot of good talks.  I will miss him!

How can PVUMC bring glory to God?  We glorify God by being family to one another and by welcoming one another as Christ welcomed us! 

Hospitality is a generous mindset.  It creates an environment for someone to feel accepted and loved.  Mark unselfishly served others in a warm and friendly manner in a lifestyle that models Jesus’ love for us.

Matthew 4: 19, “‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’”  Follow Jesus and keep bringing them in, Mark!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome