Breaking Camp

When I came to PVUMC  there was a man who exacerbated joy and you know him as Mark Edquid, Executive Director of Operations, here at PVUMC.  Mark’s last day at PVUMC will be August 17, after 14 years of ministry.

Mark shared a devotion with me, sent to him by a member, that sums up his feelings about leaving.  It comes from the book, “Unshakeable” by Christine Cain:

“God in His great mercy always calls us to progress into our future so we don’t overstay in the wrong place just like he did for the children of Israel when they needed help advancing to the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 1: 6-7, ‘The Lord our God said to us at Horeb, You have stayed long enough at this mountain.  Break camp and advance into the hill country of the Amorites; go to all the neighboring peoples in the Arabah, in the mountains, in the western foothills, in the Negev and along the coast, to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon, as far as the great river, the Euphrates.’  There was a beautiful land ahead for the children of Israel filled with mountains, foothills, rivers and a coastline - perfect for flourishing.  They had to step out in faith.  There’s so much good ahead for you!  So risk the next move and step into your future.  Break camp.”

Here are some of the thoughts from those who worked side by side with Mark:    

  • “Mark is a leader who seeks input and collaboration, a valued friend, and a talented pianist and singer.”

  • “Mark was the staff ear to hear and the staff voice to tell.  To me he was a good friend, trustworthy, caring and available.  I love my brother.”  

  • “First and foremost Mark has been, is and will continue to be a friend.  Two indelible memories of Mark will be that boisterous laugh of his and his servants heart and the incredible personal sacrifices he made for PVUMC.  He will be missed!”

  • “Mark is the guy that came into a position that many in the church believed we did not need!  He is a visionary, talented, giving man that isn’t afraid to ruffle feathers and he cares deeply.  He is a man of God, and seeks counsel from God with everything he does.  Mark is the man in the position we thought we did not need, but did, or maybe we just needed Mark!  He has a great sense of humor and a wonderful smile and laugh.  He will be missed!” 

  • “About Mark.  He has truly been like a brother, supportive, encouraging, uplifting and always interested in how I’m doing.  He has been a guiding light to me and I think most of the staff and congregation.  Love you, brother!”

  • "Mark saw in me what I didn't see in myself.  He instilled in me and further nurtured the confidence I was missing to use the unique gifts and experiences that God has bestowed upon me.  Mark has mentored me with gentle instruction, support, and appreciation; for that I will be forever grateful."

  • “Mark is the brother I never had.”

I have been blessed to work under Mark’s direction.  As we all say, he is the biggest cheerleader and encourager!  I will miss that smile and infectious laugh but proud of his courage and faithfulness to break camp.  It has been a wonderful season of learning, leaning, growing and trusting. 

Mark, you and your ministry have been a blessing to PVUMC, my family and I!  We love you, brother, and can’t wait to see where God’s next step is for you to flourish!  We all say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Jill Jarrell-Newsome