Cookin' for Jesus

Cookin' for Jesus.png

One of my favorite things to do is to eat together with family and friends.  Sharing a meal face-to-face gives us the opportunity to bond and grow. 

I love coming to Wednesday night suppers for the fellowship and opportunity to bond and grow as a church family!  I think they are very important to the life of a church! 

Last year, right before COVID, I had the blessing of taking the kitchen crew for an appreciation lunch! 

Thinking I would post this in a few weeks when we got back together, I am so thankful I did not know how long it would be. 

I decided to share it now as we help Shirley McLeod celebrate her retirement.  While we will miss her on staff, she will still be a part of our church family. 

“My heart was so touched the week of revival as the Cookin’ For Jesus team worked so hard.  I am amazed at the servant hearts that cook and clean up for us each week!  Being a servant requires laying down your pride and taking up humility. It demands your time and requires you to be intentional.”

We are called to give ourselves to serving others.  

 John 13: 34-35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” 

I asked this group what they loved most about serving in the kitchen:

  • Several people mentioned the camaraderie and making new friends. 

  • Someone else said they love to work the children’s line because it is so joyful.  They said that every child, around six years old and younger, always says thank you!

  • Someone else said it is nice to feel needed. 

  • They laughed while telling me that they work hard but they get to laugh a lot. 

  • Two of the ladies said they miss it in the summer! 

  • They love when their work is finished and they sit with Mrs. Shirley for a while and she gets their input on things. 

  • They love to feel a part of the team because it is a team effort to be able to serve about 250 people.  

Throughout the Bible, mealtime was important for being together and enjoying each other.  It was also a time for teaching. Some of the Bible’s greatest moments were around mealtime. 

  • Sarah hosted the angels and Jesus changed water to wine for a wedding feast. 

  • In the New Testament, we see Jesus reclining at the table, often, during His early ministry. 

He engaged with real people and furthered His Kingdom work. 

Acts 2: 46-47: “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”  Jesus calls us to gather around His table where we enjoy fellowship with Him and with our brothers and sisters.  

God wants us to be His hands and feet. 

Through our service, God can serve us generous helpings of His love and mercy. 

The table is a great place for your family, your friends, your church family to come together and grow in Christ.  You do not only share the meal but also laughs, tears and memories!  Thank you to Mrs. Shirley and the Cookin’ For Jesus team for making this possible.

Thank you, Mrs. Shirley, for all of your years of service and literally serving those of us at PVUMC

We cannot forget all of the Wednesday night suppers, camp meals, revival meals, drive throughs, picnics, camp chicken, pimento cheese, chicken salad, so many more things!  She even taught one staff member’s spouse how to fry okra! 

During our church wide studies, Mrs. Shirley led her Cookin’ For Jesus team in their study! 

Thank you for loving us and feeding us, Mrs. Shirley, through food and Word for 24 years! 

Well done, good and faithful servant!  We love you and happy retirement! 

Jill Jarrell-Newsome