We Trust You, Jesus.

If you came around PVUMC last week you saw a lot of children and volunteers. 

It was our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) with approximately 200 children coming to learn about Jesus.

Conductor Camille Hartley led the Rocky Mountain Railway crew in telling us Sunday morning, at the 9:45am Bridge Service, what they learned! 

Each day they learned from an awesome animal. 

  • Day one they learned from Ramsey the Ram that Jesus’ power helps you do hard things. 

  • Day two, Ava the Hawk taught them that Jesus’ power gives hope. 

  • Day three, Sierra the Mountain Lion taught them that Jesus’ power helps us to be bold. 

  • Day four, Finn the Fish taught them that Jesus’ power lets us live forever. 

  • Day five, Lawrence Elk (haha, if you are old enough to get the joke) taught us that Jesus’ power helps us be good friends. 

Each time an animal was introduced the children responded, “Trust Jesus!”  

Kids and volunteers sang, “your power will pull us through...  We are off on this journey and there is no need to look back.  Jesus gives us hope. ..Your power will pull us through - we trust in You!” 

Isn’t that the very thing I am still learning as an adult? 

I really loved the words to the next song: 

“There is a spirit I cannot contain. Wherever I go, I go with you.  I won’t walk alone.  Everywhere I go on this road, high and low, where I go, I go with You!  So, I won’t be afraid…” 

So the children learned good stuff at VBS. The volunteers and those at the 9:45am Bridge Service learned or were reminded of good stuff!  


When things do not go as expected, we may feel a spirit of fear, which does not come from God.

When I have times of uncertainty I say out loud, “I trust you, God!” 

This is a wonderful way to stay focused on Jesus and His power instead of the problem. We all have ups and downs along the way or as the children sang, “high and low roads.” 

When we trust God, we are believing in His Word and in His promises. 

During easy times it is easier to trust but in the difficult times it is even more important for us to trust. 

If we want to trust God, we must go to His Word and not look for security in other people or things.  Doing this over and over will build our trust in Him!  The Bible tells us that God keeps His promises. He loves us and knows what is best for us. 

I love how Paul says it in Romans:

Romans 8:38: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”   

As Pastor Tim continued our sermon series, “Renewed by the Psalms”, we studied Psalm 91:

Psalm 91: 2-4: “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”  Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.  He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” 

God is our permanent protection and strength - inside and outside!  We can trust this promise and we can trust Him!  We can trust Him with any situation! 

If you are going through a tough time go to God.  Be honest because He already knows how you are feeling. 

1 Peter 5: 76: “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 

Psalm 56: 8: “Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll — are they not in your record?” 

God calls us to give thanks in all things. 

Even when things seem to be falling apart, God is still working. 

Giving thanks fights the lie that everything is bad by showing you God’s light and grace!  You begin to see God’s presence in the dark and you know He is working on your behalf.  

Sometimes we have to wait for God's timing.  We are waiting on Him to do what we cannot do ourselves.  When the Israelites thought God had turned away from them He reminded them that He does not sleep or take breaks! 

Isaiah 40: 31: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” 

When we have to wait on the Lord we are reminded that we are not in control.  And isn’t that a good thing?  We can keep holding on to this:

Psalm 34: 17: “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” 

So why are Church Camp and Vacation Bible School so important?  Our children need a strong foundation of Scripture to stand on, especially in the hard times.  When they learn of God’s unfailing and unchanging promises, they can cling to that truth when life is difficult. 

Maybe we all need to go to Bible school! 

Jill Jarrell-Newsome