Creative Inspiration


I think I wrote about coming into the Pine Valley United Methodist Church Christian Life Center one winter evening, and no one else was on campus.  I arrive early to Bible study to clear my head.  I noticed a light on in the gym, and when I looked in, I saw a winter wonderland!  The CLC stage was beautiful!  Each Sunday, I loved to see how the lighting affected the scene!  Have you ever wondered where these great ideas come from?  

Our facilities project manager, Pat, sat down with me, and I learned so much.  I should first inform you that “Mr. Pat,” as the Wee Care children call him, is a very talented man!  The children know him because he plays the guitar and sings with them!  For the past 30 years, Pat has been a watercolor artist, even owning an art gallery downtown!  For fifteen years prior to that, Pat was a draftsman for a civil engineering firm.  This will explain a lot of his terminology and expertise in his work here at PVUMC.  

According to Pat, he got his creative inspiration from Pastor Chris about two years ago, when he came to Pat wanting to do something on stage with wood.  They began researching materials, pricing, and availability.  They learned that cedar fence boards were a good choice because they are lightweight.  They collaborate on pictures they have seen and how to make it work.  It is a process.  With each idea, they juggle logistics of expense, availability, and engineering to get things to work on our stage.  


Just like how I never quit writing in my mind, they never quit decorating the stage.  The wheels are always turning. Pat said a few years ago, for a Christmas theme, he made a fireplace and window.  He said it was beautiful because of all of the creative juices flowing from staff and volunteers.  One of his favorite things to do is preparing the stage for Vacation Bible School.  He said anything with and for the kids is fun!  His favorite theme was “tropical.”  They built tiki huts, a pirate ship, palm trees, and a two-story waterfall!  Having no idea how to make a palm tree, a volunteer stepped right up, saying they knew how and proceeded to make palm trees out of umbrellas and crepe paper!  And I remember it was beautiful!  


When we began the new “Rays of Hope” sermon series, Pat had a concept of beams of light rays from the back of the stage.  He always makes a model to scale!  (That is when I mentioned him being an engineer!)  He explained that it is helpful to get a three-dimensional to see all the design elements and engineer factors to make it all work.  He then went to the fabric store (where the women always have great recommendations) and asked what kind of fabric he should use for the light rays. They recommended darkening fabric to block light, and it didn’t fray.   

Pat said that he has to mention the element of magic lighting because it does miracles.  He said he had joked with Greg, who volunteers with lighting, that he could bring in a pile of junk and make it look great.  He said when we began the “Renovate” sermon series, he put that statement to the test.  Pat brought in boards, wires, windows, and other things from the garage.  Of course, he mounted it in an artistic way so it would have balance!  He said when Greg put the lights on it, that junk looked fabulous.    


Pat wanted me to share that the concept is always to use what we have, always keeping costs to a minimum.  And, He always asks permission to buy something!  This blog is an example of how God has given us all unique gifts and talents that set us apart from other people.  It’s wonderful to see all the gifts and talents at PVUMC!  We are all needed in His Kingdom!  1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”  We are a manager of the gifts God has given us.  1 Corinthians 4:2, “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.”  

“Your talent is God’s gift to you.  What you do with it is your gift to God.”  What gift or talent has God given you?  Let’s glorify God with all our talents!  

Jill Jarrell-Newsome