Honey's Hallelujahs

Recently my mom, Honey, shared with me about church and the things she and some other new members were talking about.  Several feel that, even though Pine Valley United Methodist Church is a large church, it feels like a little country church.  They feel this way because of the friendliness and the caring people.  Another thing I hear is how they love getting cards from their church family.  When Honey had surgery, she received cards, calls, and visits from our church family.  Her Sunday school always checked on her and, most importantly, prayed for her.  When you have people that pray for you on a regular basis, text you periodically, and truly care about you, it’s hard not to be grateful.  That gratefulness outshines the challenges.   

As a 35 plus year prayer warrior and prayer team card writer, she was so humbled to receive cards from friends and those who did not even know her.  She always talks about what an awesome prayer ministry PVUMC has.  She is part of that prayer team, writing and sending about ten cards a week to let people know they are being prayed for.  Pastor Tim shared recently how much it meant to him that he got a prayer team card for the first anniversary of his grandmother's passing.  What a humbling feeling to know people are praying for you, and what an honor it is for us to be able to pray for others.  Again, when we are grateful for prayer, both ways, it outshines our challenges!   

Small groups are another one of Honey’s hallelujahs.  When we gather, she is part of two Bible studies.  Even when not meeting, our small group keeps up with each other and prays for each other.  When you’re part of a small group, people know your name, care about you, and want to support you.  I have seen our small group support each other through trials of all kinds, including relationships, grief, surgeries, jobs, etc.  Some people in our church live hundreds of miles from their families or have no families at all.  Being in a small group gives you that same loyalty and support that a family would give.  They are your church family.  During this time, some of you have small groups by Zoom, and that is still a connection! 

Recently, Mom and I arrived for a scheduled visit to my uncle, about an hour away, but due to a health crisis, we were unable to visit with him.  At the same time, a friend from church, who lives in that same area, was texting us.  Isn’t it cool how God orchestrates things?!  When we told her what had just happened, she said for us to stop by.  She lives very close and wanted to pray with us.  We drove to their house and blew the horn, as she instructed since Honey could not get out.  They came to the car, and we all had prayer.  This friend had prayer concerns also, so we were able to pray for them.  “Where two or more are gathered” was so true!  You could feel God’s presence as we all lifted our loved ones in prayer.  Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”  What a blessing and an honor for us all! 

Every week, Honey watches Pastor Barry’s online devotion, and I always hear how “spot on” he is.  She also loves Saturday afternoon with Pastor Tim and loves to sing along!  When she and another new member were talking, she told her friend that “Tim is precious.”  I laughed, knowing I couldn't wait to tell Tina, Tim’s wife!  But Honey was serious.  I don’t think I have ever heard her say that about my brothers or me!  (Ok, I get it about them, but me?!)  Thankfully, we learned from a childhood song that we are all precious in His sight!  Isaiah 43:4, “Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…”  Isn’t it wonderful that God brings us just what we need when we need it!  And He knows just what we need and when we need it!  That is how precious we are to Him!  And as you have seen in this blog, He uses all of us for His plan!  A global pandemic has not stopped God from working through PVUMC!  As Pastor Tim says, our methods may have changed, but the message remains the same.  Just this last week, we had 526 in our Thursday and Sunday worship services!  Another 299 online - and remember there may be multiple people in front of that screen!  Look at what all can be done when we let God guide us! 

God made only one you and one me.  We are unlike anyone else who has ever lived or ever will live. He made us for the plans He has for us.  We are so precious to God that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to this earth to die for us so we can have eternal life.  Thank you for your help in connecting hearts to Christ and one another!  You are the church, and you are precious!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome