God Can Do Anything!

I found a survey online that found more than 90% of regular churchgoers in the United States said their churches had closed their doors to combat the spread of the coronavirus, with the vast majority saying that worship services had moved entirely online. They said social hours and church suppers are a thing of the past, at least for now.  At Pine Valley United Methodist Church, I believe this crisis has actually caused us to do a better job of connecting to our members.  Pastor Barry has a group of servants who check on some of our members, seeing what they need. Many of our connections are stronger than before. We have had drive-through suppers!  A global pandemic has not stopped God’s work at PVUMC! We have had to focus on both gathering and connecting while keeping the main thing, the main thing, and that is why we are growing!  I want to show you the ways God has shown off (my wording - not to be disrespectful, but to show you He can come up with anything better than I can imagine!) at PVUMC! 

We received this email in February from a lady in another state.  “Hello, my name is _______, I’m from __________, and I came across one of your videos on Facebook from a post my grandmother had shared, and I just wanted to say that I’m so thankful I watched the video.  I was baptized and brought up Methodist and later did home church as a teenager, but eventually, that all ended, and I was left with no direction or desire to attend or become part of any church and living the fast track life of sin. Fast forward to today, I am a firm believer in Christ and have repented my sins and am trying my best to live my life for God, whatever his purpose may be.  I am a stay-at-home mother of a new baby boy and want so badly to lead by example and make sure he knows who Jesus is. Lately, I have been searching for a church/community, and with there being so much controversy in the church, I’ve been questioning what is right. But today, I found hope in my journey after watching your live stream service and love what you all are doing!  So thank you, and God bless! My 4-month-old and I will be tuning from 800 miles away!”   

At the time of this writing, we had 132 people in person for the Ash Wednesday service!  Thursday night, we had 84 in person and 31 online.  When online is reported, that is the number of screens - multiple people may be watching.  Sunday worship services included 85 at 8:15 am, 138 at 9:45, and 93 at 11:15;  49 at Celebrate Recovery on Friday night.  Online services showed 287 screens for Sunday services.  On Valentine's Day, we had six new members join at 9:45 am, and one joined and was baptized at 11:15.   

Is there anything too hard for the Lord?”  That question is asked three times in Scripture. I would answer “No” immediately and may follow up with, “God can do anything!”  I know the Scripture, Luke 1:37, NKJV,  “For with God nothing will be impossible.”   But when I am in a quandary, do I really believe it?  So often, I think, “no way” or “that’s impossible.”  And the truth is, it is impossible for me but not for our Heavenly Father.  Think about the Apostle Paul, writing to the Ephesians; he was sitting in prison for preaching the Gospel.  He closed his letter with one of my favorite verses, Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”  Nothing is too big for God, too hard for God, or too much for God! God can remove any obstacle, overcome any challenge and tear down any opposition.  We may go through tough times, but God will intervene and bring the victory.  Remember the words the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary; they remain true for us.  “For with God nothing will be impossible.”  Luke 1:37                                              

As Pastor Tim prayed recently,  “As we begin this Lenten Journey, may we reflect, repent, and reawaken to Your grace and love in our lives.“  As we reflect, may we finish Paul’s statement:  “God is able to (and finish the sentence, describing your need).  Trust His Word that He can do anything!  Lord, You are good, and Your mercy endures forever!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome