Connecting Hearts - April 3
In Sunday's sermon, Pine Valley United Methodist Church Pastor Tim mentioned a saying, “the church will sometimes be gathered and will sometimes be scattered!" While thinking of how scattered we are right now, I began to think about all of the things still going on - differently - at PVUMC! So, I decided to give you an idea! As much as we love our volunteers, for the health of our congregations and families and in accordance with the government orders, we have asked them to stay safe at home for now and the staff is taking shifts at the front desk. As I worked the front desk, I caught the different staff members and asked them what they are doing during this time. Here are just some of the wonderful things going on at PVUMC while the church is “closed”.
Most of you probably know about Pastor Tim’s sermons being live streamed at 9:45 and 11:15 AM at He also does a live stream devotion on Thursday night at 6:30. You also probably know that Pastor Kim does a Wednesday 1:00 and 5:00 video discussion for our Bible study. But there is lots more going on. Pastor Barry is busy with congregational care with the help of servants. They are calling those, who may not get online, to check on them and let them know that the church is still here for them. We also see Karl and Taylor planning our music for each service! PJ is working on an Easter video and a Palm Sunday song.
Mrs. Terri has virtual Sunday school at 10:30 on Sunday mornings. For those of you who are learning so many new terms lately, virtual Sunday school means it is a learning environment by phone or computer that allows for live interaction between Mrs. Terri and the children as they participate. On Wednesday’s at 7:00 PM Mrs. Terri plays a game and has a study online. She also uses Facebook and emails to send videos, read Easter stories and share adventures of Piper and Jack, her two dogs. And she has really been thinking out of the box….she has invited parents to join her, again, in their homes, to make Resurrection cookies the day before Easter! They will “seal” their ovens and watch for her video the next morning, Easter morning, on Facebook and email!
Pastor Chris is using “Zoom”, another new word for most of us, for his Wednesday night confirmation and Sunday night youth group. Online group chatting and being able to see each other is important for them. Chris has heard from several parents about how great the turn out is! Two other comments have been, “It is remarkable how much that just lifted my kid’s spirits.” “Thanks for setting this up for the kids, it was wonderful hearing them laugh and enjoying seeing each other.”
Mr. Pat is touching up our facility and working on maintenance projects that have been put on the back burner because we are so busy and active. Mr. Bob is spring cleaning and taking advantage of not having people around by deep cleaning! This is something very difficult to do as busy as we are! Specific to the church COVID-19 response, Charles is coordinating all congregational communication through our website, emails, and the app and keeping the essential functions of the food pantry and the medical supply closet operating. Mark is checking on ministry serving teams and “helping them find toilet paper!” Adam is being a wise steward of our money! He is also staying informed of relief benefits for our church!
Sunday during the 9:45 AM online service, we sang, Bethel Music’s, “Goodness of God." Even though I was making a joyful noise on my sofa - it was heartfelt as I sang, “all my life you have been faithful, and all my life You have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God!” The tears came and come again today as I type it knowing how good and faithful God is to me! I thank Him daily for my hedge of protection He puts around us. Psalm 91:2-4, “This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” Although we are scattered at this time, God has allowed us to gather together in new and different ways, to open our hearts to Christ and one another!
So how can we give back? We can be the church from wherever we are. We can pray for our church and for others. We can encourage others through a phone call or a note in the mail. There are many people who are alone and would love to have a visit by telephone. We can honor God with our obedience through His tithes and our offerings. The church is very much “in business” and appreciates your generosity to continue our ministries through new and exciting ways! These new ways continue helping us to connect hearts to Christ and one another! You can give online at and click on “GIVE”, you can drop your tithe at the church office between 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Monday through Friday, or you can mail your tithe to the church at 3788 Shipyard Boulevard, Wilmington NC 28403-6147..