Unstoppable God

As I struggle with the task I have been asked to do, I go to God for comfort.  While I am uncomfortable being live-streamed for Pine Valley United Methodist Church Coffee With the Pastors, I knew that I was going to have to do it.  About three months prior, God told me I would have to do that.  He knows I need time to process something so out of my comfort zone!  So, I was not shocked when I was approached.  The fear of public speaking controlled much of my life for forty years, like a snowball getting bigger and bigger.  Immediately, doubts began to trickle down, but because in the last 24 years, I have taken baby steps, I am trusting God more and more.  Because of a huge leap of faith last year, I believe that what I have been most afraid of is exactly where God is taking me. I used to be too scared to ask, “Where next, God?”  Now, I just tell Him, “I know it will be an adventure, and I am excited with a tiny bit of fear.” May as well be honest, He knows what I am feeling anyway. You see, when I look back at His goodness and faithfulness, I am overwhelmed!  Saturday, I had been thinking about all of His goodness in my life, and it brought me to tears.  Even with some really tough stuff going on, I am so blessed!  Whether it is tough stuff or fears, God is with us and growing us. I thought of each of the “next steps” I have taken and how blessed I have been by them.  He always proves Himself faithful beyond belief!  So, this week I will take another next step, out of my comfort zone, trusting Him!

Twenty-four years ago, I had no idea what God was going to do when I told Him I was giving myself to Him 100%!  Glad I didn’t!  I took those next steps in faith.  I thought of that as we sang “Unstoppable God” by Elevation Worship at the 9:45 service.  “Let Your glory go on and on, Impossible things In Your name, they shall be done.  Unstoppable God Let Your glory go on and on.”  If I had known the details of what He was going to do in my life, I would not have had to have faith.  As Pastor Tim reminded us, sometimes those steps are not told to us and make no sense. I have been known to laugh at God, thinking he was just picking with me!  While I believe He has a sense of humor, that has never been the case!  The more we take those steps, the more we learn to step out in faith, trusting God.  God will provide us with everything we need.  2 Peter 1:3, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”  God will protect us.  Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  He will pour His favor on us.  Psalm 90: 17, “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.”

Abraham did not know where he was going when God told him to move, leaving his extended family behind, and go to an unknown land.  God gave him no details, but Abraham went anyway.  Hebrews 11:8, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”  In the 8:15 service, these words from Noblesse were sung, “Bow the knee, trust the heart of your Father.  When the answer goes beyond what you can see.  Bow the knee, lift your eyes toward heaven And believe the One who holds eternity.  And when you don't understand The purpose of His plan, In the presence of the King Bow the knee!”  Whenever we bow the knee, we always feel better and more confident knowing Who is in charge!  

Pastor Tim said we just need to take a step forward in the right direction. We may have a ways to go, and that is ok.  Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”  God will be with us every step of the way.  Our God of miracles closed the lion’s mouth for Daniel, gave Sarah a baby in her 90’s, raised Lazarus from the dead, and parted the Red Sea for Moses.  There is nothing we will ever face that is out of His control. We can trust God with our next steps!

I like Rick Warren’s quote, "The more you believe and trust God, the more limitless your possibilities become for your family, your career - for your life!"  Let’s keep an open heart and mind as we determine God’s plans for us.  We can move forward in confidence, knowing God is guiding our steps.  God wants and knows what is best for us.  Jeremiah 29:11, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”  God has done the impossible in my life, and He is unstoppable!  God, let Your glory go on and on in my life!  I am ready for the next step!  

See Jill’s “Coffee with the Pastors” interview here.

Jill Jarrell-Newsome