You Are Here Moving In Our Midst
In the Bridge Service we sang, “There's a sun coming up In my soul, Lord, in my soul...I see the light, I see the light....Oh, thank You, God, I see the light!” It was so upbeat and such a song of gratefulness! Everyone was singing so loud! It was another time where I had to get quiet and listen to all of the voices filling the gym! Since my first Sunday at Pine Valley United Methodist Church, I have felt the power of the Holy Spirit but that Sunday it was extra powerful. People were clapping during the first song. Not to the beat but in praise! Webster’s says that worship is to honor or show reverence for a divine being or supernatural power. People are definitely honoring God at PVUMC!
As we have been preparing our hearts for revival, I was reminded of praying for the revival last year and feeling the “build up” each Sunday. I still remember us singing, “you are here moving in our midst” from ”Way Maker”. As we left church, a year ago, I remember my husband saying, “I think the service was intense today. It seemed everyone in that building was touched by the service!” We talked about how it seemed to have gone to a whole new level. So many people were touched by the Holy Spirit! I know the Holy Spirit is feeling welcome! He is being praised! God continues moving in our midst and we know He is working in this place! Hearts are being changed and mended. People are being made new! Revival means an improvement in the condition or strength of something. I would say we are having revival every Sunday!
Jesus made his disciples a promise about the Holy Spirit. He said that He would return to Heaven but He would give them the Spirit to live inside them. So they would not have Jesus beside them but they would have the Holy Spirit inside them! John 16: 7, “But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.“ The Advocate is God’s Spirit - the Holy Spirit!
One of the things I hear many visitors say is that they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit when they walk in the door! The presence of the Holy Spirit is the only answer to a lukewarm church or a struggling Christian. The fire of the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, overtaking us in ways so overwhelming that we are able to do extraordinary things. Through Him, there are no limits! Like a Christian, a church under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, has no limits!
There are times, like that Sunday morning at church, that we are overwhelmed by the presence and the power of the Spirit. It can be an emotional experience, a joy, a peace, a presence like no other. Here at PVUMC, we are being blessed by God’s grace! As we prepare for revival, expect great things!
I invite you to join us for Rays Of Hope 2020 Revival January 26-29!