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I continue to hear the word, “renovate” at church which is the name of the Pine Valley Lenten Spiritual Journey with a sermon series, small groups, and a study book. When I think of the word renovate I think of a very hectic time but because I can visualize things, for me, it was exciting also.

I remember riding in my Daddy’s sailboat as a little girl telling him that one day I was going to live on the waterway here. I even told him it would have a small sandy beach because I have to get in the water! God brought that dream to reality when we pulled into a yard full of old, big live oak trees with moss in them.  Inside the house, some cosmetic changes were needed.  The final walk was down to the water where there was one small sandy beach - on our property!

The kitchen consisted of an eat-in area, a galley kitchen with tiny cabinets and a formal dining room. Unless you sat in the eat-in area you could not see the view of the water.  We talked with our builder and decided we wanted to make some changes. Make things better.  Because we trusted our builder we let him guide us with his plans.  There would be more than a monetary price for this renovation - it was going to be hectic. Walls were going to have to come down.  If they were load bearing walls additional changes had to be made to get support from somewhere else.  We had to be patient and listen to our builder.  The frustrations of being under construction caused tears several times.  When we saw the finished product we were thrilled.  It was better than anything we could have imagined.  We were able to stand anywhere in our kitchen and see the water and the beautiful live oaks. That space entertained family and friends for 11 years and it was well worth the trouble. 

As I think back on that renovation I believe it is not much different than what God wants to do with us.  He wants us to be able to see and appreciate Him in everything!  Sometimes in order to have a more full and rich life we have to make changes.  God wants to renovate us.  He is our builder and He has the best plans.  We can trust Him!  Jeremiah 29: 11, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”  If we want the best life we can have it is time to submit to God.

Submitting to God is simply letting Him have His way in our life. We are choosing not to make things happen for ourselves, but letting God control our situations.  We come under God’s authority, wisdom and power.  In other words, we are giving up control.  God has to tear down walls to rebuild us.  This can be painful and difficult and there may be tears but healing will follow. We have to realize Who our load bearing wall is! God will guide us to that place where we will be filled with joy and thanksgiving in the Spirit!   Philippians 1: 6, “...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

When the renovation is complete, it will be beautiful!  It will be better than anything we could have imagined.  We will see God all over it!  Ecclesiastes 3: 11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” 

Are you ready for renovations? Pick up a “Renovate” book and join a small group.  We are told when two or three are gathered together, the presence of the Holy Spirit, will be there. Matthew 18: 20, “For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.” Make plans to meet with your Builder - He has the best plans for you!  Better than anything you can imagine!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome