What Mercy Can Do

Pastor Andy Lambert was preaching during Pastor Tim’s sabbatical and our prayer team had asked us to be praying for Pastor Andy.  Along with the prayer requests we were given Psalm 95:6-7 and 2 Timothy 4:2 to refer to.  I could not have anticipated the power of the Holy Spirit that first Sunday Pastor Andy was here.  Our Bridge band brought us to the Throne of God singing, “Chain Breaker” and “Mercy” by Elevation Worship. “I'm living proof of what the mercy of God can do.  If you knew me then, you'd believe me now.  You turned my whole life upside down. Took the old and He made it new.  That's just what the mercy of God can do…”  This is my song!  I thank God for changing me and I want others to see what the mercy of God can do!  

Pastor Andy talked and sang about Simon Peter denying God while reminding us, gently, that when we do not share the gospel, is that not denial?  If we believe in prayer and have seen answered prayer and God gives us the opportunity to pray with someone and we do not, is that denial?  Even though Simon Peter, doubting Thomas, and Jill Newsome have denied God, we have taken steps to allow God to use us.  Pastor Andy said by showing up at worship we did!  2 Timothy 4:2 says, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.”  That prayer was answered!  

I heard so many people speaking of how funny Pastor Andy is.  All the while, he is challenging us while speaking the Truth in love.  I heard many comments about how powerful the sermon was including, “I know I have been forgiven, but it just felt good to go to the altar and thank Him again!” and “It was my first time to go to the Altar.” I also heard comments such as, “I loved when he said, ‘we may be woke to what is wrong with the world, but we are asleep to what is wrong with us,’” and “Powerful, just powerful!”  Psalm 95:6-7 reads, “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.  Today, if only you would hear his voice…”  By these comments, the voices worshiping, the tears and the many kneeling at the Altar, another answered prayer!  Thank you, Pastor Andy, for letting God use you in a mighty way!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome